Early Learning Inc.
A Place for Young Minds to Soar

“Discovering talents and hobbies while awaking a whole new world in our children’s lives.”
We have decided to delay the opening of our Enrichment programs due to COVID-19 until further notice.
What is the Enrichment Programing?
Enrichment classes are programs that give our children opportunities to experience a class, hobby or interest. These short term classes provide the perfect opportunity to try something new while conveniently being located at your child’s school. These programs are created with the new 21st century education standards in mind. Each month we will offer new programs. It is our goal to offer a variety of clubs covering many interest areas. The clubs range in time, days of the week and duration. Most clubs are an hour long and run 4 weeks.
What are the Fees for the Clubs?
We work to keep the fees for these clubs reasonable priced while providing the highest quality of teachers and programs. The fees for the clubs vary depending on supplies needed, instructional fees and amount of times the club meets. We want every child to have the opportunity to participate in the clubs they are interested in. If your family has financial limitations please contact us to make possible arrangements.
Who Teaches the Clubs?
Teachers, community members and professionals. Periodically we will bring in professional organizations to run specific clubs. All our instructors are background checked and monitored by the director of after school enrichment programs. We are always looking for new club ideas and people to teach. If you are interested in teaching a program please let us know!
How does Registration Work?
Registration for the clubs takes place on a monthly basis. Registration forms will be sent home the 2nd-3rd week of the month. Registrations are taken on a 1st come 1st serve basis. Space is limited in these clubs, they do fill quickly. Payment is due at time of registration. Your child will not be put on a roster without full payment—You will be contacted only if we have to put your student on a waitlist. If you do not hear from us, plan on having your student at his/her club the 1st day it meets (we will not make reminder calls).